Marilyn is a Functional Health and Wellness Coach.


Marilyn grew up in a coastal community, in the beautiful state of Rhode Island.  Throughout the years, her love of the ocean has drawn her to the water, by way of swimming, rowing, and surfing. Marilyn has always been an avid lover of the outdoors, artisanal markets, the beach, friends, family, and the world of holistic health and wellness.

Marilyn found a passion for traveling early on, exploring Central and South America to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe - where she met her husband Brett, along the coast of Italy. 

Marilyn earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Rhode Island and went on to gain experience in multiple hospital settings including cardiac, orthopedics and med/surg.  Later on in her career, Marilyn moved overseas to join her husband in Australia, where she worked abroad for numerous years in critical and intensive care units.

Marilyn and Brett now reside in Rhode Island, raising two beautifully wild children who love being outside, barefoot and dirty!


It all began when I was quite young...

Throughout my childhood, I grew up exploring the outdoors, hiking into the mountains and spending summer days on the beach.  From early on, I was exposed to complimentary and alternative modalities of healing from energy work to herbal remedies and massage therapy.

As I grew older, I knew I wanted to be able to nurture and help others, and later on followed in my mother's footsteps, studying and becoming a nurse. 

Slowly my beliefs in healthcare began to evolve... 

Although I worked for years in conventional medicine, I began to understand there was room for both allopathic interventions and natural modalities to co-exist.  My childhood experiences with holistic healing, along with my own intrigue and love of natural health became more paramount, especially after starting a family of my own.  I realized there was such empowerment in being able to support my family through the foundations of health and wellness.   I turned to the world of natural health, becoming an advocate and educator for toxin free, holistic living.  I stand firm in the belief that there is an enormous need (and opportunity) to take our health into our own hands and to create sustainable wellness for both ourselves and our families. 

 Now I'm able to help women reclaim their health & vitality...


I have trained with one of the top Functional Medicine schools in the nation: School of Applied Functional Medicine. With over 16 years in the health and wellness space and a deep passion for functional medicine and holistic healing, I am inspired and committed to educating and empowering women just like you, to rise up and confidently take hold of your health. 


I am one of 8 siblings

Yes! Growing up with such a big family was so fun, and believe it or not, we all still live in Rhode Island!

I have traveled 20 countries

I absolutely love immersing myself in new cultures, the people, the food, music, language, the colors! 

I play piano

I grew up playing piano, taught a bit myself, and have just introduced it to both my kiddos! 

My hubs is Australian

We met backpacking in Italy, in a sweet little fishing village called Riomaggiore.

I love peanut butter and chocolate

Just something about that sweet and salty. 

Ready to restore you gut and hormone health and live a life full of vitality?